A couple of years ago I went on a break to this lovely spot. You may remember my blog from that time.

sweet spot

Hidden away on the edges of Dartmoor, with sunshine and nature spilling out all around, I came up with the idea of my Sweet Spot group coaching programme for women not-for-profit leaders. Without this table, this view, this peace and quiet – so different to my urban life – my transformational programme, which women leaders have been loving since October 2020, would never have seen the light of day.

In short, the Sweet Spot came about because I had space and time.

I knew I had the capacity to guide and support others to great things. It’s what I do in my one-to-one coaching and training with not-for-profit leaders, but with all the day-to-day demands of my work, I’d not had the chance to explore how I could make an even bigger difference to my clients.

Until, that is, I found this time and space in my Dartmoor hideaway. It allowed me to take a bigger view, to look inwards and really connect with my gifts – what I was great at, what I loved to do, where my unique skills and talents lay – so that I could make the very biggest difference to those I serve. And out of that, came this group programme for women leaders.

My philosophy is that your ability to change the world is always there. All the time. But our very best contribution is crowded out by the ‘doing us’ that responds to day-to-day demands. It’s bashed out by the weeds, deadlines and stresses of ordinary life.

It’s lost through tiredness, resentment and “meh”.

Familiar? I see this all the time with my one-to-one coaching clients. It’s hard to get truly creative, expansive and brave with all that going on, right?

That’s why I’m overjoyed I created my Sweet Spot programme

Three women in the Sweet SpotTalented women leaders in the sector can now give themselves the precious space and time to rise above the day-to-day demands of their role, like I did, give attention to the bigger picture and get back in touch with their passion, commitment, self-belief and fabulous ideas, so they can lead positive change in the very best way for them.

I like to think of the Sweet Spot programme as my Dartmoor hideaway gift to the non-for-profit world.

“I recommend the Sweet Spot to anyone looking for an affordable, tailored programme that gives you space and time to think about what you are doing.” Antonia Bance, Head of Campaigns, Communications and Digital, Trades Union Congress (TUC)

In the Sweet Spot we get to lift our heads above the weeds of day-to-day life and find a different perspective. We get clear on our 100% unique and personal way to change the world, our magic if you like. It’s a place where we can all make a bit of a mess of things, try things, learn things, feel into things, test out, make mistakes, build up our confidence. All guided, mentored, supported and coached by me and warm, on-the-ball, supportive peers all working towards the same more just world.

“The Sweet Spot has given me back the confidence in my own decision-making.”
Shireen Chambers, Executive Director, The Institute of Chartered Foresters

We meet fortnightly on Zoom and I encourage the women in the group to join for at least six months, a year even, (as most of the last cluster chose to do), so there really is the precious space and time to do this deep work of transformation in yourself, your team and your organisation. Having this time is truly precious. .

I know, in all integrity, I can’t run this programme as a quick fix. That’s why the Sweet Spot isn’t ‘short, but it is sweet’.

Over to you?

Do you get bogged down by the daily to-do’s and demands of your role? Do you find it difficult to take a step back and see the bigger picture? Imagine what you’d achieve if you could access the wisdom and creativity unleashed by precious space and time.

What next?

Members (affectionately known as Smarties), tell me that the Sweet Spot has been an essential springboard for bringing about extraordinary change in themselves and their organisations. Let’s talk, to explore you being part of the next Sweet Spot Cluster. Drop an email to: katie@katieduckworth.com to book in a chat.

“The Sweet Spot is the best investment in myself I have ever made. Thank-you!”
Rachel Key, CEO, LifeSpace Trust


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