Back to work 😬 Embrace the disruption 😃
So, you’re heading back to work after a fabulous summer break. But instead of hitting the ground running, you’re feeling sluggish and unmotivated. I...
Do you think we all live in Disney Land?
At the Happy Annual Conference a couple of weeks ago, a speaker shared his story of being on a call-in radio programme, when a business owner took...
Everything you need to know about ‘Work You Love’ career coaching
Have you heard about my Work You Love career coaching programme and want to know a bit more? Work You Love is my one-to-one coaching programme for...
Community rocks!
I am an extrovert. There’s no doubt about it. Anyone who has worked with me in my non-profit leadership coaching programmes knows that, for sure....
Taking a proper Christmas break? Five reasons why you should
- Just a few days ‘til Christmas. Hurrah! The perfect chance to down tools and take a really good break from work, even if you're not celebrating...
I’m serious about fun, joy and happiness
- Let’s party. Agreed? I know what you’re thinking. The world is on fire and Katie is banging on about having fun? Seriously?  Yes, seriously. -...
Why I do what I do
I've written a lot about my goose-bumpy moment ten years ago when I realised why I wanted to coach in the non-profit world. (You can read my story...
Saber-toothed tiger about to pounce? Here’s what to do
One of the non-profit leaders I coach emailed me yesterday asking for a 'critical comrade' call - my emergency coaching session which I offer to all...
Daunted by your new CEO role? 3 top tips to help you rock it
So, you've got your very first role at CEO level in a non-profit organisation. That's great news. I couldn't be more delighted for you. How are you...
Got no time for coaching? You really have!
“This is going to sound crazy given the conversation we had but can we pick this up again next week? I haven’t had a chance to speak to my...
Why you think you can’t have a coach – and 5 reasons why that’s b******t
OMG. You just had THE BEST CALL with a coach. You’d love to get signed up with her for 1-1 coaching. She got you. What an absolute joy! It was so...
Five ways to up the fun in your leadership
How to get more fun into your leadership. I recently celebrated a BIG birthday. The party was a joy. I danced for hours in the upstairs room of my...