Writing notes in a book, representing the discovery of why I do what I do

I’ve written a lot about my goose-bumpy moment ten years ago when I realised why I wanted to coach in the non-profit world. (You can read my story here).

I share this moment when I’m giving talks, running workshops, and with my small group and 1-1 coaching clients.

And it’s true.

The day I interrupted a marketing guru in her swanky training room to insist I really wasn’t motivated by yachts and holidays, but by outrage that a child should ever go to bed hungry, was a huge moment for me.

I stayed up all night to write a business plan which set me on the path to Be The Change, my coaching and training business.

Recently, I had another light-bulb insight which gave me even more clarity about why I do what I do.

I was filling in a questionnaire from an accountant I hoped would sort out my messy finances. The question I’d reached was:

“Why do you run your business?”

I hesitated and eventually wrote ‘to financial support me and my two daughters’. It was the type of answer I imagined an accountant might want to hear.

Immediately I knew it wasn’t right.

Or, at least, it wasn’t the whole story. If that was the reason, surely I’d be doing something much more lucrative, easier and all round more likely to set us up for life?

The fact is, I run my business so I get to use my unique set of skills and passions – motivating, inspiring, cheer-leading and coaching – with the people who I believe make the biggest difference possible in the world – talented mission-driven leaders.

I run my business because it brings me joy and I get to make a difference by doing what I love and loving what I do.

That’s what I want for you too

🌟 I want you and your team to be using your unique combination of skills, talents, passions and interests to make the biggest impact humanly possible, with ease and joy.
🌟 I want you to be so darned clear about exactly what you bring to your role that you never doubt yourself again (while remaining humble, open and enthusiastic about everyone’s contribution).
🌟 I want you to be so excited about work that you’re raring to go every morning, ready to get stuck into whatever needs your attention.
Checking in with your own ‘Big Why’ is a great place to start. It will see you over the lumps and bumps of a difficult day, week or even year and keep you moving forward.

What questions would it be helpful to ask yourself?

  • Is there a moment in your life when you had a similar ‘Big Why’ light-bulb moment?
  • Is that ‘big why’ moment still clear in your mind to guide you when things get tough?
  • Maybe your realisation came more slowly to you. In which case, what was going on?
  • Did you positively choose your work or did you fall into it? How did that happen?
  • What moments in your day do you love the most? What brings you the greatest joy?
  • Do you ever get goosebumps while at work? When? (Goosebumps are a gorgeous indicator that you’re working in line with your Big Why. I get them all the time!)
  • How much does your role allow for your unique skills and passions to come together, for you (and your team) to thrive?

What next?

If you’re feeling unmotivated and distant from what brought you to your role in the first place, my one-to-one Coaching Programme Relight My Fire will help you rediscover the spark, enthusiasm and joy for your work. Hit reply and I’ll be in touch with more.

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