So, it’s a brand new year. Your plans for 2017 are all drawn up and they’re exciting and ambitious. Wow! There’s a lot to do if you’re to grow income so dramatically. And you want to get those new campaigns up and running, too… Yes, you’re ambitious for the organisation. Audacious even. But you know it’ll all turn out just fine.

And then what’s this other little voice? Quiet at first, but getting louder. Can I really get all this done? Can I really motivate the team to work so hard? What if I’m not up to it?

Doubt! It’s a killer

I get it, I really do. Even the most outwardly confident leaders and managers I coach are crippled by doubt sometimes. And I’ve had my fair share of it too. (See my blog here about feeling like a fraud and what I did about it.)

It can be really tough, I know. When you lose your confidence you tend to focus on what’s lacking and what you can’t do and, of course, this undermines you even more. It can be totally crippling and stop you in your tracks. Not great when there’s just so much important work to do. I’ve heard that from my coaching clients plenty of times.

But there is another way. Far more useful when the doubts creep in, is to start with what you’re really good at. Remind yourself of what is working. This is what I encourage my clients to do.

Know your strengths

My inFocus on your strengths to make sure those plans happenvitation is to take 15 minutes now (or schedule some quiet time in later) to reflect on these four powerful questions to reframe how you’re feeling about your plans.

Really give it some time and I promise you these coachly questions will make you feel way more positive and send you confidently into 2017. (Only move on to exploring weaknesses when you’ve really worked on your strengths.)

  1. What skills and knowledge do I bring to the team (or organisation)?
  2. How can I better bring out my skills and knowledge for the benefit of the team?
  3. How can I work on my weaknesses for the benefit of the team?
  4. So, how can I influence new opportunities for the team?

Try it! It’s truly amazing what you can do when you focus on what’s right rather than what’s wrong. You are a unique gift to the world!

And you can go on to explore all four questions with your whole team, if you like. It makes an inspiring self-learning session at the start of the year.

Over to you?

So, what strategies do you have when the self-doubt creeps in? I’d love to hear your tips for what works (and your response to my four questions). You can leave your comments in the box below. Let’s support each other.

What next?

If your plans for the year are simply too important not to happen; if you absolutely must put an end to anxiety and doubt in 2017, email me at or call 0208 772 7808 or 07958 501427 to see how coaching can help. I have three places remaining for a January start.

How good would it be to know you have all the support you need to bring your big, audacious plans to life?