I’m a mentor and coach for non-profit leaders. And I’m about to list six incredibly good reasons why you might not need to work with one.
Am I mad?
Well, maybe. I’m thoroughly convinced of the power of coaching and what it can do for purposeful leaders, but…. It isn’t right for everyone, all of the time.
Far from it.
So how do you know if you really don’t need a coach just now?

Look at the list below. If most or all of these apply to you, then I’d suggest you don’t give me – or any other coach! – a call.
- You are super-self-motivated. You love to set yourself stretching goals that keep you excited even when times are tough, and on the whole you work steadily towards them, whatever set-backs crop up along the way.
- You have a rock-solid vision and crystal clear goals and you always achieve what you set out to do – or create something even better.
- You have a supportive, non-judgmental group of colleagues and allies around to call on when you need a ‘critical friend’. They know you want challenging, not soft soaping, and you’re confident they won’t give you advice you haven’t asked for and really don’t need right now.
- You know yourself pretty well. You’re fully aware of your strengths and weaknesses, your Preferred Way of Working (I call this your PWoW) your values and your passions. And you know how to make the totally unique combination that is you work best for yourself, and your colleagues.
- You are supremely self-confident, with a strong sense of self and you very rarely doubt your abilities. In fact you totally know you rock!
- And finally, you don’t believe you can change or learn. You’ve ‘been there, done that’ and are just coasting along now, feeling a bit bored, maybe, resigned to waiting to see what happens.
Over to you
Recognise yourself in the statements above? Great! (Well, reasons 1 to 5 anyway – I know No#6 couldn’t possibly be you, or you wouldn’t be reading this blog.) Perhaps one or two of them are true for you some of the time? Or maybe you’re noticing a clear gap between all of them, and where you are just now?
What next?
If you don’t need a coach right now, I’m delighted. You’re all set to make the very best use of your talents – and we need more leaders like you. But if you’re feeling that some support could be useful after all, drop me a line at katie@be-the-change.org.uk or give me a call on 07958 501 427. I’d love to talk with you about how I can help.