I began coaching a new client this week, the Chief Executive of a youth charity, and it’s got me thinking about what makes for a great third sector leader.

Here are five qualities that, in my opinion, make a leader stand out from the crowd:

1. Agility – great leaders are able to adapt to circumstances, both internal and external; to grasp opportunities; to innovate; to give up the old when the ‘same old’ is no longer working

2. Inner confidence – it takes real self-belief to make the daily decisions (big and small) required of a leader, to rise to challenges, and to move away from fear-based responses

3. Being a passionate champion for the organisation they head up – for the people working in it and served by it, and by being a role model for behaviours and values

4. Vision – great leaders constantly ask the ‘what & why’ questions to get a clear vision of where their organisation is going, and inspire their teams to come with them

5. Authenticity – no-one wants a ‘command and control’ leader. Today’s leaders are real, not afraid to learn and grow themselves, or to own up to mistakes and areas for improvement

What do you think?


Coaching  builds great third sector leaders – both by nurturing emerging leaders, and by supporting existing ones. If you would like to find out how I can help you or your employees please contact me here or call 0208 772 7808 for a no-obligation chat.