It’s amazing what 30 or 40 minutes of focused one-to-one coaching can achieve. 

Insightful questioning and deep listening from a skilled coach can quickly get to the core of a problem, help someone discover what is really getting in the way,  and come up with do-able actions to move them on immediately.

During my last coaching marathon with third sector organisations, we found solutions to a whole range of challenges in our speed coaching sessions – plucking up courage to tackle a difficult colleague, speaking up in a high-profile meeting, coping with workload ‘overwhelm’, to one manager having a light bulb moment about how she could help her team work more effectively together. There was a real buzz in the organisations I was invited into it.

Speed coaching feedback

“Extremely helpful – it helped me to set realistic goals and stop me feeling guilty.”

“Very helpful for building my confidence, especially in meetings.”

“The session helped me to realise what I can do to improve how I feel about my work and career – it made me really motivated. Thank you!”

So, why am I am telling you all this now…?

Because 23 May is National Learning at Work DayLAWsmaller

I like to offer something a bit special for this initiative so I am planning a new coaching marathon:

  • I’ve got up to ten coaching slots to give away to third sector organisations in the week of 20 May
  • If I offer you a slot you can use it to give four people a 45-minute coaching session or
  • six people a 30-minute coaching session. It’s up to you.

Why not take this opportunity to help members of your team de-stress, manage their time more effectively or delegate better?

For more details about the event and how to register click on the ‘sign up box’ on the top left of this page.

The deadline for registration is 5.30pm on Tuesday 14 May but don’t hang around. I’ve got a maximum ten coaching slots to give away and can’t guarantee one to every organisation that applies.


If you would like to talk to Katie Duckworth about how coaching or training can help you or your teams meet organisational goals more effectively, please contact me here for a no-obligation chat.

Come along to the next Levity Lounge! Happening on 13th March in London