It’s August, so it’s Space Month – my name for four weeks of planned disruption to my usual working routine.
I’m off on holiday to recharge after a busy year. I’ll be taking ‘Sweet Thinking’ time when I work ‘on’ rather than ‘in’ my non-profit coaching and training business, and I’ll be relaxing at home in south London with my teenage daughters.
As part of my Sweet Thinking time, I’m planning a bit of a book fest when I dip into some great reads on hot leadership topics. I’ve got my eye on some old faves, plus new books suggested by the clever and creative purposeful leaders I work with. Here they are.
1. Host – Dr Mark Kergow and Helen Bailey
Anthea Sully, CEO of White Ribbon UK, told me, “this book” with it’s subtitle, Six new rules roles of engagement for teams, organisations, communities and movements, “changed my life”. I’ve not read it yet, but I’m hoping for a similar impact. Available here.
2. Dare to Lead – Brené Brown
A favourite for me and many of my clients, Dare To Lead was suggested for this blog, by Sophie Aldred, Director of Communication and Advancement at IFES. We love its win-win approach to leading others with courageous vulnerability. Find it here.
3. The Happy Manifesto – Henry Stewart
This is one my all-time go-to’s that I return to over and over for its game-changing approach. You can download it free at
4. Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race – Reni Eddo-Lodge
Get the updated version of this extraordinary book, originally sparked by Black Lives Matter and now sparking essential conversations everywhere. Available here.
5. Influence is your superpower – Zoe Chance
This book is jammed with practical strategies for how to rediscover your personal superpower – and get people to say yes to good things. Get your copy here.
6. Leaders Eat Last – Simon Sinek
I’ve never liked the title of this book (surely leaders eat with their teams?) but there’s lots of value here for leaders keen to motivate and inspire.
7. A Room of One’s Own – Virginia Woolf
This brilliant essay on women’s struggle for independence and opportunity never gets old. I love it.
8. Great Ted Talks: Leadership – Hilary Minter
Here they all are, in summary, in one place. With fun illustrations, too. Get it here.
9. The One Thing – Gary Keller
This little book simply asks “what’s the ONE Thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?” It’s a great question.
10. Rebel Ideas – Matthew Syed
Suggested by Louise Simpson, Director of the Chartered Institute of Foresters, this short book about the power of your thinking will, well, change the way you think. Available here.
11. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway – Susan Jeffers
The original, and best personal self-help guide around, in my view, I encourage all my clients to read this powerful book, however ‘important’ they are.
Over to you
What’s your go-to when you need a boost of inspiration or motivation? I’d love to know which books have impacted you the most, so please do share your recommendations with me. You can drop me a quick email here.
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