21 days until the Olympic Games!

You can bet your bottom dollar that all the athletes taking part are firmly focused on their medal goals and doing everything in their power to be winners.

There’s a lot you can do in 21 days, too, to get a task achieved that you’ll be really satisfied about. Something that pushes you out of your comfort zone, perhaps. How about…

– finally writing that strategy paper you never seem to get the head space to think about

– taking a deep breath and improving your relationship with a difficult colleague

– giving a totally ‘wow’ talk to campaigners to motivate them for action over the summer?

In fact, 21 days is a perfect amount of time to set a challenging new goal and get there with flying colours. It just takes focus and commitment, a big dose of self belief and a daily plan of action.

So, what will you do?


I help third sector organisations be more effective at work with inspiring goals and action plans. If you would like to talk to me about how I can help you or your team please contact me here for a no-obligation chat or email katie@be-the-change.org.uk

 For more tips and ideas on getting the best out of your third sector staff follow @katieduckworth on Twitter.