leading a happy organisation - smiling balloons

Happy organisations create better results, more engaged teams and a joyful sense of community – one that people really want to be a part of.

So, what does it take to lead a happy organisation?

Here are some of my insights and tips from years of working with coaching clients and helping leaders run organisations with excitement and integrity.

12 tips to leading a happy organisation

1. Leaders are there to create an environment in which everybody can thrive and shine and do their very best work.

A table of people in a happy organisation having a meeting, smiling with laptops
2. They are not there to tell people what to do, except in ‘house-on-fire’ emergencies (and maybe not even then).

3. It’s not a leader’s job to motivate people. People motivate themselves if their basic needs are met – finding a way to make sure of that is the leader’s top job.

4. When people work to their strengths you get great work which leads to people feeling good about themselves so you get more great work. Ta da!!

a business woman leaping happily - leading a happy organisation
5. Happy organisations are headed up by leaders who don’t need to own all the power – they inspire their teams to find solutions, make decisions, and run the show if that’s what they’re good at.

6. Fostering diversity throughout, so that everyone’s voice is heard and respected, means better ideas, more innovation and a happier organisation.

A virtual team working together happily
7. If leaders are constantly stressed out, resentful or over-worked you can be sure they won’t be heading up a merry band.

8. It’s the leader’s responsibility to make sure there’s a culture where trust between individuals and teams is strong.

9. Real, open, honest, vulnerable human beings making mistakes run great organisations.

10. Happy organisations have a culture of curiosity, celebration and on-going learning – no shame here, folks.

a 'enjoy the little things' sign - ways to leave a happy organisation

11. In a happy organisation everyone is 100% clear how their work fits exactly into the big mission.

12. Leaders of happy organisations know that it’s more than okay not to be happy every single minute of the day.

Over to you

Do you recognise these ways of working in your organisation? What could you add to the list from your experience of a working in, or leading, a happy organisation?


If the idea of a happy organisation sounds great, but a little out of reach – I may be able to help. Get in touch here or via the form below and we can book in a chat to see how I may be able to help you shine in your role and lead a happier organisation in 2022.

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